Basel ii banking book trading book pdf

The basel committee on banking supervision bcbs wants to make banks treat the assets in their trading books more like those in their banking books by forcing them to hold increased capital against assets designated for trading historically, lower capital requirements for trading book assets had encouraged banks to shift assets from the more expensive. Pdf economic capital for credit risk in the trading book. Nov 28, 2016 the trading book is required under basel ii and iii to be markedtomarket on a daily basis. Banks claim this will make hedging more costly and could incentivise the. Basel iv revised trading and banking book boundary for. The distinction parallels the one between the banking book, containing notably longcredit loans, and the trading book, usually including long and short positions e. All other instruments must be included in the banking book. Pillar i involves the calculation of minimum capital requirements to cover credit risk, market risk and operational risk. The application of basel ii to trading activities and the treatment of. Basel ii and penalizing others, the riskbased capital rules led to greater. A trading book consists of all instruments that meet the specifications for trading book instruments set out in rbc25. Explanatory note on the minimum capital requirements for market risk pdf. In late 2010 the bcbs issued the basel iii document enumerating measures focused on.

Banking book and trading book banking book all exposures not held in trading book must be held in banking book philosophy of banking book capital is to cover unexpected credit losses. In june 2015, the bcbs published interest rate risk in the banking book. Basel iii pillar 3 disclosures report for the quarterly. Historically, lower capital requirements for trading book assets had encouraged banks to shift assets from the more expensive banking book into the trading book. Post crisis reforms large and midsized corporates consolidated revenues 500 million advanced irb airb. Basel committee on banking supervision international convergence of capital measurement and capital standards a revised framework comprehensive version this document is a compilation of the june 2004 basel ii framework, the elements of the 1988 accord that were not revised during the basel ii. This reform, often referred to as basel iv, is one of the initiatives taken to strengthen the financial system, noting that the previous proposals did not prevent the.

The trading book is an accounting term that refers to assets held by a bank that are regularly traded. Issued by the basel committee on banking supervision, the basel iii standards on capital and liquidity, along with measures from july 2009 on trading book and structured finance, are the centrepiece of the regulatory communitys response to the crisis. For conciseness, we set the lgd rate to 100% for each position of the two portfolio types. The banking book refers to assets on a bank s balance sheet that are expected to be held to maturity. The basel committee has finalised its standards pdf 1. We are looking forward to you presenting at the risk emea summit where you will be focusing on the trading book and banking book. Developments in part ii, item 7 of the 2019 form 10k. Revised trading and banking book boundary for market risk presumed assignment to the trading book alternative allocation possible through explicit supervisory approval there is a general presumption that any of the following instruments are being held for. Analysis of the trading book quantitative impact study october 2009 bank for international settlements the basel committee on banking supervision issued today the results of its recent trading book quantitative impact study, which assesses the impact of the revisions to the 1996 rules governing trading book capital. Basel ii is the second of the basel accords which are recommendations on banking laws and. What remains from basel ii 5 types of banks 8 banking and trading book 9 three pillars of regulation 10 determination of regulatory capital charges 11 reforms under basel iii 14 increased capital requirement 16 redefinition of qualifying regulatory capital 23 increased capital charges for banking book exposures 36. The banking book refers to assets on a banks balance sheet that are expected to be held to maturity. Real estate holdings and retail and small business lending must go in the banking book.

Basel iii rwa optimization in the early stage of basel ii. Credit default risk is the primary focus of such exposures. The valueatrisk var for assets in the trading book is measured on a 10day time horizon under basel ii. A major gap thus revealed by the 2008 nancial crisis was the inability to adequately identify the credit risk of the trading book positions any component of the trading book. The books held by the banks may be identified as banking book and trading book. Pdf an analysis of the basel ii framework on credit derivatives. This reflects the different notions of risk between positions in the two books.

A trading book is defined as positions which the bank holds for the purpose of short term gain and which it can close when markets conditions are favourable. The trading book is required under basel ii and iii to be markedtomarket on a daily basis. Frtb builds on the intent based criteria for trading banking book assignment as set out in basel ii. The framework set out in this section ii is applicable to the banking book exposures in the standardised approach. Basel iii requires banking organizations that calculate. What is the difference between the trading book and the banking book of a bank. Pdf the basel ii accord sets out detailed formulations in its internal ratings based approaches for determining credit risk capital in the banking. These changes will constitute the future basel iii. Implementation of basel ii pillar i standardised approach. Basel committee on banking supervision was established by the centralbank governors. Can you give us a very brief overview of the trading book and banking book revisions within the revised basel market risk framework.

The trading book should be used by banks ideally only to incorporate assets which are held for trading as opposed to being held till maturity for example, any derivative instrument used as a speculative or. Banking book held by the bank is important for the risk management practice. Regulatory impact on treasury instruments, michael schneider treasury treasury trading instruments. Basel ii is the second of the basel accords, now extended and partially superseded clarification needed by basel iii, which are recommendations on banking laws and regulations issued by the basel committee on banking supervision the basel ii accord was published initially in june 2004 and was intended to amend international banking standards that controlled how much. Basel committee trading book requirements revision. Implementation of the basel ii capital framework pdf. Basel committee trading book requirements revision proposals.

Trading book vs banking book banks are required to divide their balance sheets between banking and trading books both from regulatory and accounting perspective. For banking book exposures either method may be used for the entire banking book, but for trading book exposures where. The committee has also published pdf 607kb a helpful note explaining the gestation of the new market risk framework and the main changes introduced in the final version. Differences between interest rate risk irr in the banking and. In its october 20s consultative paper for a revised market risk framework frtb, and subsequent versions published thereafter, the basel committee suggests that nonsecuritization credit positions in the trading book be subject to a separate default risk charge drc, formally incremental default risk charge or idr. Finalised in january 2016 as the minimum capital requirements for market risk, it aims to address a. The basel ii agreements bcbs, 2004 define regulatory capital through the concept of.

The valueatrisk for assets in the trading book is measured on a tenday time horizont under basel ii. Rbc25 boundary between the banking book and the trading book. Revised trading and banking book boundary for market risk 5. Banking book instruments are generally intended to be held to maturity, with changes in market value not necessarily reflected in financial accounts or capital requirements. Incentives remain in banking book vs trading book choice. The standardised drc as a whole is calibrated to the credit risk treatment in the banking book to reduce the potential discrepancy in capital requirements for similar risk exposures across. Basel committee on banking supervision consultative. Jan 18, 2009 analysis of the trading book quantitative impact study october 2009 bank for international settlements the basel committee on banking supervision issued today the results of its recent trading book quantitative impact study, which assesses the impact of the revisions to the 1996 rules governing trading book capital.

Instruments comprise financial instruments, foreign exchange fx, and commodities. However, it clarifies these criteria through more prescriptive rules. Hence, basel iii proposes that positions that cannot be easily liquidated or fair valued on a daily basis should be excluded from the trading book. Standardized approach and internal model basel ii and basel iii present two approaches for the definition of mrc. What were the main differences and comparisons between.

In addition to the reforms to the basel ii framework by the basel committee on banking supervision bcbs in 2009 and the amendments made in the european capital requirements directive iii crd iii applicable to eu member states increased capital requirements for the trading book and complex securitization. If a bank does an interest rate swap with a customer, thats trading book. The pillars of basel 2 and 3 for your comparison benefit basel ii three pillars. As a global professional services company, we offer financial. Basel ii is the second of the basel accords, now extended and partially superseded by basel iii, which are recommendations on banking laws and regulations issued by the basel committee on banking supervision. From basel ii 2004 until 2014, the credit risk capital. Basel capital rules for banks trading books will shift. See basel committee on banking supervision, regulatory consistency. Sep 26, 2017 why banks trading books are new target of rules. Banks see clash in basels trading and banking book work. Basel ii and interim enhancements added provisions that focused on the trading book including complex securities and derivatives, market risk, operational risk, and interest rate risk. Differences between interest rate risk irr in the banking. The basel ii accord was published initially in june 2004 and was intended to amend international banking standards that controlled. A trading book is the portfolio of financial instruments held by a brokerage or bank.

Regulators have attempted to address a flaw within basel ii that gave banks an incentive to hold assets in the trading book. Jun 07, 2017 the precise answer is both complex and involves considerable latitude for opinion. Enhance minimum capital and liquidity requirement 2. A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to both a. Netting across positions in the banking and trading book. Basel iv revised trading and banking book boundary for market. What is the difference between a banking book and a. Basel iii pillar 3 disclosures report for the quarterly period ended december 31, 2016. What is the difference between a banking book and a trading. The precise answer is both complex and involves considerable latitude for opinion. Banking book positions, which may be accounted for at amortized cost, lower of cost or market, fair value or under the equity method, are subject to credit risk capital requirements which are discussed in section 5 and section 6 included herein. Revised trading and banking book boundary for market risk presumed assignment to the trading book alternative allocation possible through explicit supervisory approval there is a general presumption that any of the following instruments are being held for at least one of the above.

Banking book positions, which may be accounted for at amortized cost, lower of cost or market, fair value or under. In the banking book, the basel ii capital requirement formula irb modeling is based on the assumption that the portfolio is infinitely fine grained. For the treatment of crm in the irb approach, see section iii. Basel committee on banking supervision, results of the basel iii monitoring exercise as of 30 june 2011. Basel iii pillar 3 disclosures report for the quarterly period ended december 31, 2016 table pageof contents 1 1morgan stanley 2 capital framework 1. International convergence of capital measurement and. With the interest rate risk of the banking book, the basel committee on. Book banking book trading book risk credit risk risk weight default risk total 12. Interest rate risk in the banking book the story so far basel accord rules on interest rate risk were a key part of the. The boundary between the trading book and the banking book. The difference between the trading and banking book. How assets in the trading book and banking book are. Basel committee on banking supervision consultative document.

Banking book positions, which may be accounted for at amortized cost, lower of cost or market, fair value or under the equity method, are subject to credit risk capital requirements which are discussed in section 5 credit risk included herein. However, this left many banks with insufficient capital to cover losses when credit markets collapsed during the crisis. The boundary between the trading book and banking book and the scope of application of. In contrast with the credit risk treatment in the banking book, the trading book model specification. Interest rate risk wasnt covered explicitly by either basel ii or basel iii but changes are now, finally, afoot. An analysis of the basel ii framework on credit derivatives treatment of the trading book for risk mitigation purposes and. Slated for implementation from january 20, basel iii must be fully phased in by january 2019. Evolution of the capital accord basel i basel iii basel i minimum risk based capital, definition of capital mra market risk treatment in the trading book. The trading book is required under basel ii and iii to be marked to market daily. The trading book refers to assets held by a bank that are available for sale and.

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